Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Top Ten Games

My Top Ten Games 

10. Sonic CD 
I have been a die hard  Sonic fan since I was a kid. Even when Sonic had a dark age of terrible games, I played them. If I ever want to play a 2D Sonic game I go to this game. Something about this game makes it feel so replayable. It was also the first game to feature Metal Sonic one of my favorite characters in the series.

9. FFXIII-2 
I had to think about this one. I wanted to put the whole trilogy on there, however I cant say I enjoyed XIII or Lightning Returns nearly as much as XIII-2. This game isn't Lightnings story, its Noel, Yeul, and Caiuses. I have to wonder if people would have actually given this game a chance if XIII wasn't in the title. either way the game has a great soundtrack, and one of the best villains in the series. 

8. Megaman Battle Network 5
I had a lot of fun with this game when I was a kid. I remember my neighbors and I would always play all the battle network games. The Battle Network Series has some of my favorite combat in a game. The Battlechip collecting was incredibly addicting and kept me playing for hours. Also its another game with a kickass soundtrack. I really hope capcom does anything with the Megaman series.

7. Sonic Generations 
This game got Sonic out of the dark ages for me. While Sonic Colors was a great game this game was amazing and set the bar for all future Sonic games for me. The levels felt so replay-able and all were incredibly well designed. Really looking forward to what sega does with Sonic in the future. Also listen to a great song from this game below

6. The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask
Out of all the Games on the N64 this was my favorite when I was a kid. As I grew older and played through this game again I realized how much atmosphere it had. its rare a game can give anyone a feeling of fear without trying to be scary. You know the worlds ending and every time you look up death is staring at you in this game. also with creepy pastas like the Ben one it makes this game 100x more terrifying.

5. Super Mario World 
This was the first game I have ever played. I remember playing it with my brother and my mom when I was a little kid. for a few years it was actually the only game I knew beside donkey kong country 2. A few years down the Line I remember getting the GBA version and 100%ing it. It leaves me with nothing but good memorys.

4. League of Legends
A game that has drained so much of my time cant be left out of this list. I remember one of my friends from High School told me to try it and at first I couldnt get into it. The more I played the more I got addicted. I have actually made good friends in real life because of this game. the only downside is riot point addiction.

3. The Last of Us
This is a game I actually never played, but only watched. It makes me wonder where gaming is going to go in the next few years. It sets the bar for stories in video games. The voice actors in this game are incredible and all of the characters are believable. If you have a PS3 you need to play it or youtube it like I did. 

2. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
These two games were my childhood. they are what made me love video games and I will never forget them. even when I play them now and see how buggy they are they still have a lot of meaning to me. they were what made me play other games as I got older. 
1. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 
World of Warcraft is and always will be the best experience Ive had gaming. Wrath of the Lich King was by far my favorite expansion. I met some really good friends during this time and had one of the best raiding groups. This expansion also featured my favorite Villain in the WoW universe. 

The Lich King
Everywhere you went in Northrend Arthas was taunting you for the eventual Battle at Icecrown Citadel. It made him feel like much more of a threat than Deathwing or Illadin. also Arthas has one of the best backstorys in the WoW universe. The Lich kings boss battle is my favorite in WoW. The ending cutscene was perfect and I really hope they dont mess with it. 

The Zones had to be some of my favorite in WoW

Also I cant forget the soundtrack
Overall this was one of the most unforgettable games I have ever played. I still play occasionally now. A game that held my attention for this many years is awesome.

Monday, February 3, 2014

League of Legends Season 4 Bot Lane Diversity

Hi im Mike I have been playing League for a few years now. My favorite role will always be ADC or "marksman lawl". Im going to get straight to it right now in the current meta ADC can be very frustrating to play. I feel at the end of Season 3 AD Carrys were in a pretty decent spot, and you could play most of them. Now I feel like if Im not playing Jinx or Lucian im putting my team at a disadvantage. the same can be said for the support role. I know many support mains who tell me if they are not playing Leona, Thresh or Annie they feel like they cant win and are putting themselves at a huge disadvantage. In lane now I honestly feel whoever is playing the more bursty lane normally wins. the most overpowered lane comps?

#1 Jinx and Leona
This lane is absolutely broken. the fact that they can burn the enemy flash every time Leona Zenith Blades and Jinx presses E is ridiculous. Their Level 6 in my opinion is the strongest of any botlane currently and there is very little counter play to it other than praying their Leona over engages or your jungle is at the right place at the right time.

#2 Lucian and Thresh
These two are ironic? hate each other in lore have amazing synergy. Lucian is a absolute monster in lane and while I dont find this lane nearly as broken as the first its still really strong. if thresh can land a hook its pretty much a garanteed kill with Lucians Mobility and Burst. this lane scares me as much as pre nerf draven to play against. good luck playing anyone other than the first lane against this and even than this is your best chance against Leona Jinx.

#3 Jinx or Lucian and Annie
This lane is terrifying with eithar of these two paired with Annie. The burst is insane because if your not focusing annie she is CCing and doing tons of damage too you, but if you focus Annie Lucian and Jinx are going to give you a bad day. A good way to deal with annie is playing Thresh+Leona.

"mike why not just play these lanes"
Because I like Champion Diversity and Corkis final nerf (which put him at a 1% pickrate again) made even less counters for the already strong Jinx and Lucian. When I find people telling me Ezreal and Vayne are trash something bothers me about that. I played a solo que a few days ago and was threatened to be reported for playing Ezreal. it just seems like now more than ever if your not playing whats overpowered you lose and the community sees it that way.
killing all the FOTM tanks feels impossible. killing a mundo as anyone? good one.

What can Riot do?
1. Buff Corki again revert that final patch. Corki was a good counter to Jinx before and in my opinion kept her in check. his new Q feels laughable and whenever a friend sees me use it they laugh a little bit and honestly so do I it feels weak
2. Buffing underplayed ADCs (Ashe,Quinn,MF,Corki,Kogmaw). If they plan on keeping tanks the way they are now they need to do this I feel useless lategame when  a full build mundo is sprinting at me and no matter how hard I try to Kite. I dont know what to do about Ezreal and Vayne I feel like they are always strong picks in the right hands. Look at Hi im Gosu he mains them and he is challenger.
3. Buff other supports. It is cool to see supports actually making a impact in the game now, I shouldnt beable to 1v2 bot lane it makes people actually want to play that role. however it isnt cool to see our pals Nami, Sona, and Soracka barely being played.
4. If they Nerf Jinx and Lucian dont corki them. Look as much as I hate seeing them every game I dont want them not too be played! I just want to see more champions and feel like I have a chance playing any of the other cool Champions riot has made

I love League of Legends but right now im not having as much fun as I used to. maybe it was always like this and I didnt notice it much last season but right now playing any champions other than Lucian and Jinx is extremely difficult

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Top Five Episodes of the Walking Dead

 Top Five Walking Dead Episodes

#5 Days gone bye
This is easily one of my favorite episodes of the walking dead because it started it all. I still think one of the most terrifying moments on the show was the night when Jenny (Morgans zombified wife) looks through the door at rick. there were so many memorable things that happened with the torn apart zombie to rick getting to atlanta. this episode was unforgettable because all those little moments

#4  Better Angels
Season 2 had a few boring Episodes mainly in the first half. In the second half I feel the pace really picked up with the Randall story line. that being said this is one of my favorite episodes because of the ending I actually for some reason didn't expect Shane to die this episode for some reason, and it caught me completely by surprise when it happened. overall a solid episode that tied up the shane/farm storyline

#3 Clear
This was my favorite episode in Season 3. It had a lot of meaning to it and the acting was amazing. finding out what happened to Morgan and Duane was exciting to me and the conversations between rick and Morgan were intense. One of the common themes of the show lately is can you come back from the things you do. Morgan is supposed to represent Rick if he kept going down the path he was after Loris death.

#2 Internment
Season 4 has been amazing so far. there hasnt been a single bad episode yet and I cant wait till next week for part B. Hershel was my favorite character on the walking dead and this episode showed exactly why hes a great character. there wasnt a single slow moment in this episode. throughtout  the whole episode my thoughts were "dont kill hershel, dont kill hershel" by the end of the episode you sort of knew he was going to die soon especially when he gets in the jeep with Michonne. and than you hear a certain theme

#1 Too far Gone
Like I said earlier one of the themes of the show is "can you come back from the things you've done" while some saw the standalone governor episodes as a waste of time they weren't. the governor couldn't come back from what he did and he knew that. no matter what he did he would always be the governor. the way he ended in season 3. This episode had tons of character development and action and some of the saddest scenes on the whole show. the end of the episode I felt depressed that they killed off Hershel. I feel like they tied up the governors story perfectly and I really liked all the comic refrences after reading it especially the famous "kill them all" line. I will miss both Hershel and the governor on the show they were both great characters.

Sonic Lost World Review

I have played almost every sonic game. Every game I played felt like a new experience when growing up. While some games ( Sonic 06-unleashed era) being not that great Sonic has had quite the resurgence in the passing years, from great games like Sonic colors to Sonic Generations I now have pretty big expectations for Sonic games. When I saw trailers for Sonic Lost world I was very interested in the new Mario galaxyish approach to level design. When this game works it is a damn good experience but when it doesn't it can be frustrating. 

Game play: Sonic Lost World is a very different type of Sonic game, your either going to love or hate it. In Sonic Generations and Colors you had the boost to win game play., While it isn't present in Sonic Lost World this game has a unique set of controls. You have the right bumper which is how you run and build speed. but it also introduces the park-our mechanic. the park-our mechanic allows you to scale walls and do some pretty crazy stuff. I really hope Sonic Team Expands on this in the future. The games controls feel REALLY tight when using them and not clunky. The Boss battles are way too easy and are some of the most uninspired fights in the series which is sad. there are some levels like the one where they have you play as a snowball that will make you want to throw your controller at the screen and just stop playing. Which honestly is a shame because the 3d levels shown in the trailers are pretty awesome and I wonder why sega didnt just focus on those. 
Story: Ok, I might be one of the few people who enjoys Sonic story lines even the cheesiest ones (im looking at you Sonic Generations) . I find Doctor Robotnik to be a hilarious character but in this game instead of fighting Doctor Ivar Robotnik or "eggman", you are helping him in fighting a new set of villains the Deadly Six. I actually thought they were pretty good and funny villains at times. each of them have there own set of personalitys that are funny when clashed together. Zavok was a pretty good villain but its a shame there boss battles cheapen all of them in the grand scheme of things. Honestly the story reminded me of a Saturday morning cartoon I would watch as a kid.
Soundtrack: Honestly this games soundtrack lived up to most the others in the series for me. it had a few catchy tracks just like all other sonic games. there isnt any classics like city escape but there are a few awesome themes like the one found on world 4-1 and the world map. 

Overall: Is this game worth a buy? Yes especially if it keeps dropping in price. while some levels maybe frustrating you will find yourself having a blast with the ones that work and having a damn good time. I look forward to seeing what sonic team does in the future! and spoiler alert regaurdless of what other reviews tell you. you CAN go fast in this game :).
if you need a number 7.5