Monday, February 3, 2014

League of Legends Season 4 Bot Lane Diversity

Hi im Mike I have been playing League for a few years now. My favorite role will always be ADC or "marksman lawl". Im going to get straight to it right now in the current meta ADC can be very frustrating to play. I feel at the end of Season 3 AD Carrys were in a pretty decent spot, and you could play most of them. Now I feel like if Im not playing Jinx or Lucian im putting my team at a disadvantage. the same can be said for the support role. I know many support mains who tell me if they are not playing Leona, Thresh or Annie they feel like they cant win and are putting themselves at a huge disadvantage. In lane now I honestly feel whoever is playing the more bursty lane normally wins. the most overpowered lane comps?

#1 Jinx and Leona
This lane is absolutely broken. the fact that they can burn the enemy flash every time Leona Zenith Blades and Jinx presses E is ridiculous. Their Level 6 in my opinion is the strongest of any botlane currently and there is very little counter play to it other than praying their Leona over engages or your jungle is at the right place at the right time.

#2 Lucian and Thresh
These two are ironic? hate each other in lore have amazing synergy. Lucian is a absolute monster in lane and while I dont find this lane nearly as broken as the first its still really strong. if thresh can land a hook its pretty much a garanteed kill with Lucians Mobility and Burst. this lane scares me as much as pre nerf draven to play against. good luck playing anyone other than the first lane against this and even than this is your best chance against Leona Jinx.

#3 Jinx or Lucian and Annie
This lane is terrifying with eithar of these two paired with Annie. The burst is insane because if your not focusing annie she is CCing and doing tons of damage too you, but if you focus Annie Lucian and Jinx are going to give you a bad day. A good way to deal with annie is playing Thresh+Leona.

"mike why not just play these lanes"
Because I like Champion Diversity and Corkis final nerf (which put him at a 1% pickrate again) made even less counters for the already strong Jinx and Lucian. When I find people telling me Ezreal and Vayne are trash something bothers me about that. I played a solo que a few days ago and was threatened to be reported for playing Ezreal. it just seems like now more than ever if your not playing whats overpowered you lose and the community sees it that way.
killing all the FOTM tanks feels impossible. killing a mundo as anyone? good one.

What can Riot do?
1. Buff Corki again revert that final patch. Corki was a good counter to Jinx before and in my opinion kept her in check. his new Q feels laughable and whenever a friend sees me use it they laugh a little bit and honestly so do I it feels weak
2. Buffing underplayed ADCs (Ashe,Quinn,MF,Corki,Kogmaw). If they plan on keeping tanks the way they are now they need to do this I feel useless lategame when  a full build mundo is sprinting at me and no matter how hard I try to Kite. I dont know what to do about Ezreal and Vayne I feel like they are always strong picks in the right hands. Look at Hi im Gosu he mains them and he is challenger.
3. Buff other supports. It is cool to see supports actually making a impact in the game now, I shouldnt beable to 1v2 bot lane it makes people actually want to play that role. however it isnt cool to see our pals Nami, Sona, and Soracka barely being played.
4. If they Nerf Jinx and Lucian dont corki them. Look as much as I hate seeing them every game I dont want them not too be played! I just want to see more champions and feel like I have a chance playing any of the other cool Champions riot has made

I love League of Legends but right now im not having as much fun as I used to. maybe it was always like this and I didnt notice it much last season but right now playing any champions other than Lucian and Jinx is extremely difficult

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